Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Scientific Method

Hello everyone I am Ion Turtle and this is my Blog-O-Science. Today I will talk about he most important part of science. The thing all scientists use every day. THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD. It is very simple and easy to use. In fact you use it everyday!
        To start you identify the problem or ask a question. For example you might ask does metal conduct electricity?
        Next you form a hypothesis or make a educated guess. For example your hypothesis might be that metal does conduct electricity.
        Next you create an experiment to test your hypothesis. For this experiment you would get a battery, three wires and a piece of metal and a light bulb.
        Next you perform the experiment or do the experiment. In this case you would make a circuit with the wires and the light bulb. Then you should test your circuit by touching two wires together. If the light bud lights up then your ready. Next you wold each wire to opposite sides of the metal. If the light bulb lights u then the metal conducts electricity.
        Now that you have conducted the experiment you have to analyze the data. When you analyze data you see if it supports your hypothesis. If the light bulb lit up when you touched the wires to the metal and your hypothesis said that metal conducts electricity then your hypothesis was supported or was right.
        If your hypothesis was right then you communicate the results or tell other people. If your hypothesis was wrong that's completely fine scientists are wrong all the time, but you should change your hypothesis and redo the experiment. Even if your hypothesis was right you should still redo the experiment many times to make sure it was right.

To review the staeps of the Scientific Method are:
  1. Identify the problem
  2. Form a ypothesis
  3. create an expirement
  4. perform the exirement
  5. analyze the data
  6. communicate the results
Thank you for reading! Comment if you want. I hope you had fun learning about the scientific methed!

-Ion Turtle

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