Monday, March 17, 2014

Newton's Laws and Gravity (again)

    Hey I'm Back. Today I will talk about Newton's Laws and Gravity. I have talked about these before but there is so muc information on these topics that I had to put it in a new post.

    Newton's 3 laws are very important. A scientific law connot be broken. Newton's first law explains that an object in motion will stay in motion and will go in the same direction and the same speed untill a force is applied to it. It also says that an object at rest will stay at rest and not move until a force moves it. The reason a soccer ball stops is because friction between it and the grass is a force and it slows it down. The reason that a ball on the top of a hill rolls down is because the force of gravity pulls it down.

    The second law says that an object will go in the direction of the net force. That means that when a plane flies even though gravity, air resitance, and wind are pushing the plane because the propulsion of the plane is stronger then those forces the plane will go up.

   The third law says that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that when you push down to jump your pushig down the same amout that you go up. The same thing happens when a rocket lifts off. It also means that while you are standing on the ground the ground is pushing you up the same amount that gravity is pulling you down. This makes it so that you don't sink into the ground.

   Now for gravity. Gravity just says that everything attracts everything else. It also says that the larger something is the stronger the attraction. That is why you're strongly attrated to the Earth but an acorn on the ground isn't strongly attracted to you. Also the farther apart 2 things are the weaker their attraction toward each other. That is why you stick to the Earth and don't fly away to the sun even though the sun is much bigger. That shows that the strength of the gravitational pull depends on mass and distance.

You remember Galileo right? Well remember that expirement he did where he dropped two things of different sizes and they hit the ground at the same time. I'm just gonna restate that here because it was pretty important.

On the day that Galileo died Isaac Newton was born. Isaac Newton was an overachiever who decided to figure out what gravity really is. He figured out that all objects have a gravitational pull and they all are pulling on each other. He couldn't just stop after he discovered the laws of motion and invented calculus. He just had to also define gravity.

     An object's mass isn't the same as it's weight. I say this a lot because a lot of people don't know this. An object's weight is how hard the planet your on pulls on you. While you mass is how much stuff is in you. This means that if you move to mars your mass won't change but your weight will.
   Gravity is one of the most important forces in the universe. This is because it holds solar systems, galaxies, and planets together.
Link dump:
1st and 2nd law
2nd law

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Hello everyone! Gravity is a downward force. It makes things fall. Like when you spilled milk in the morning. It also made that weight fall on your toe. It even made you fall face first into the ground in front of everyone. Hopefully none of that actually happened to you.
animals, falling, funny, header, tipping
animals, cat, cute, fail, fall
animals, cat, falling, funny, jump
animals, cat, falling, hilarious, jumping
animals, dog, faceplant, fail, girl

Galileo created a famous experiment where he dropped objects of different sizes at the same time. Even though one is bigger they landed at the exact same time.
Albert Einstein Charles Darwin animated GIF
Remember Sir Isaac Newton? He did a lot with gravity. He said that every object that has mass has a gravitational pull. Bigger and denser things have a larger gravitational pull.
Animated Cartoons & Comics animated GIF
Gravity depends on mass and distance. The as I said the larger the mass the stronger the gravitational pull. Also the larger the distance between two objects the weaker the gravitational pull. That's why you don't fly away to the sun or Jupiter. Its because the earth pulls you harder because you're closer.
Art Happy animated GIF
You've heard of mass and weight right? Well they're different. Mass is how much stuff there is in you while weight is how hard the planet that you are currently on is pulling on you. That means that on mars or Jupiter you will have the same mass but a different weight.
Jupiter Space animated GIF
Gravity is the most important thing in the world. Why else would it get so many awards. Jokes aside without the scientific gravity we would be alive because we wouldn't have the sun keeping us alive. That and we would fly off the Earth.
Academy Awards Ellen Degeneres animated GIF

That's all for today. Hope you enjoyed reading.
Back To The Future Doc Brown animated GIF

Link Dump:
All gifs from Giphy

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Ion_Turtle is finally back! Today I am talking about force (no Star Wars jokes). "A force is a push or pull upon an object resulting from the object's interaction with another object," says the Physics Classroom (Link) Three examples of forces are gravity, air resistance and friction.

Newtons are used to measure force. A newton is equal to the force that would give a mass of one kilogram an acceleration of one meter per second squared. Basically one newton would make one kilogram accelerate at one meter per second squared (that's a lot of ones)

Net force is the overall force acting on an object. If two people are push at a something from opposite sides you can use simple math to find the net force. If both people are pushing at 5 Newtons then the object will not move because the net force is 0 (5-5=0) But if one pushes harder (10 Newtons) then the net force would be 5 to the right (10-5=5) That is also an example of balanced and unbalanced forces. The first example where the net force is 0 the force is balanced. In the second one it is not. Like I said in the first scenario (net force=0/balanced) the box will move. And in the second scenario (net force=5/unbalanced) the box will not move.

Thrust is also important. Your Dictionary (cool name) says, "thrust is the act of pushing with force." (link) So basically if your pushing a box your thrusting it... OK moving on.

Your Dictionary also says, "centripetal force is what allows something to move in a curved path by pulling whatever is going around in a circle into the middle of the circle." Basically if you spin something it will be forced outward, but if it is not connected and you spin it out it will just fly out. (Like those spinning rides were you get strapped to the wall and spun around)

That's all for today. So see you later.

Link Dump:
Force Pic
Guys pushing box
Centripetal Force