Wednesday, November 20, 2013

SafeFlame Torch Creates Fire From Water

Hey guys Ion_Turtle is back with some cool science news. This time I'm talking about fire being made from water. Now I know you have seen someone weld some metals together with a torch. (If you haven't here is a pic)

Doing this is very dangerous and not cheap. You may notice that he has a mask on his face. This keeps his eyes from being damaged by the really bright flame. Also the flame is caused by an unstable and expensive mixture called oxygen-acetylene. The amount you burn at one time can not be controlled so if you are welding a weak metal like Aluminum then you will have a lot of trouble. Also the tanks of oxygen-acetylene are highly unstable, expensive, and hard to store. This makes welding very expensive and hard.
Researchers all over europe are trying to change this. They are have developed a prototype of a SafeFlame. This SafeFlame uses water and electricity to make the flame. It does this by putting the water in a electrolyzer. This electrolyzer uses the electricity to split the oxygen from the hydrogen in the water. Then after they split they leave the nozzle and combine again making a flame. This flame is slightly cooler than the oxygen-acetylene flame, but it can be controlled, it is safer, it doesn't heat up the nossle, the flame is dimmer, it is much cheaper, and it still gets the job done. They are also working on making it more portable and maybe solar powered.


This is very important because it will welding much safer and cheaper. That is why I decided to wrie about it. I also predict that this meathod will be used more and more in the future.

Do you think this is a better meathod?

My person answer: Yes it is way better. There are just so many thing that it improves on. I don't see any negatives.

Article (SafeFlame pice from here)
Welding pic
oxygen-acetylene tanks

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Potential vs Kinetic

Hello its Ion_Turtle again. I'm going to talk about Potential and Kinetic energy! This time I'm going to try to explain it with video games as much as I can.

First we have to say what energy is. Energy id the ability to make something happen. In  layman's terms, if the object or person can do something it has energy.

Potential and Kinetic energy are related to movement. Kinetic energy is the energy that a moving object has. The more speed and mass an object has the more kinetic energy it has. If a bicycle is riding down a hill next to a truck at the same speed the truck will have more kinetic energy because it has more mass. Another example is if Mario and Wario are running next to each other. Wario has more kinetic energy because he is bigger. Even if Mario runs a little faster Wario will still have a little more.

Ok. Now lets get into potential energy. Potential energy is the energy that some has when it isn't moving. It is the possibility to move. The higher something is and the more mass it has gives it more potencial energy. If you have two rocks together on a cliff and they are the same size then they will have the same potential energy. If one rock is larger then it has more potential energy. Think of Mario and Wario about to jump on a Goomba. Wario will have more potential energy and will crush the Goomba harder. If Mario gets much higher then he will have more potential energy.

Energy can be transferred or stored. It can not be created or destroyed. Also kinetic energy can be transferred from one object to another. This can be seen if you are playing a racing game like Need For Speed or something and you crash. If you crash into another car that is standing still then you will transfer your kinetic energy to it slowing you down and making it move. Also if you have a head on collision the car with more kinetic energy will move forward a little after the crash while the car with less will move back.

I hope you liked it. Leave a comment if you would like and don't forget to check out my YouTube Channel!

Mario running
Mario jumping
Car crash

Monday, November 11, 2013

Changing Matter

      Hey guys its Ion_Turtle again! Today I'm talking about matter and it changing state. Matter is everything that takes up space. It can be solid, liquid, gas, or plasma. Solids are hard and are well solid. Liquids are wet like water and they flow. Gasses are commonly invisible and float around in the air.

If you read my earlier posts then you know what molecules are. Well in solids, liquids, and gasses the molecules behave differently. In solids they are tightly packed and only vibrate a little. While in a liquid they flow and roll over each other. In a gas they fly around bouncing off everything.

You might be asking, "How do they change?" Well I have the answer. Matter changes states when energy is added or removed. Think of water. Have you ever put water in the freezer and when you took it out it turned to ice? That is the liquid water change to solid ice. The freezer is cold. Because it is cold it takes away the energy in the water. The water then slows down and connects together to make a hard solid block of ice. This process is called freezing.

If you take the ice and put it in your hand. Your hand will get wet. This is because your body heat adds energy to the ice molecules making them break free from the orderly solid ice. The molecules start to flow and soon you have a puddle in you hand and probably some water on the floor. This process of the ice turning to water is called melting. Freezing and melting happen at a certain temperature. They both occur at 32 degrees Fahrenheit or 0 degrees Celsius for water. Other substances freeze and melt at different temperatures, but the melting point is always the same as the freezing point of the same substance. For example iron melts and freezes at 1510 degrees C (2750°F)

Now lets add in the gas. When you heat up water it starts to bubble. This happens because the molecules get so much energy that they just shoot out of the liquid and fly away. This is called boiling. You have probably boiled water and saw steam come out. That is the water in it's gaseous state. When in the gaseous state water is called water vapor. If you get a cold can of soda you may find that the outside is wet. You might think that the can is leaking but it is not. What is happening it the water vapor in the air is hitting the cold can and loosing energy turning it into a liquid. This is called condensation. This also happens in clouds.

There is also a special thing called sublimation. That is when something goes straight from a solid to a gas. One great example is dry ice. It is commonly used in special effects and during Halloween because the ice turns straight into an eerie whit fog. Deposition is the processes of making the dry ice. Deposition is when a gas turns straight into a liquid.

There is this thing called heat of fusion. It is the energy used to turn a solid into a liquid. It works by adding energy to the solid structure that makes the molecules break out of the tight orderly structure that they were in. There is also heat of vaporization. It is the energy used to turn a liquid into a gas. In the liquid state the molecules are still pretty tightly compacted, but they move around a lot more than in a solid. The heat of vaporization breaks them apart so the molecules shoot away from the liquid and fly into the air.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed the gifs. Leave any comments if you want. I'll reply to them. Don't forget to check out my YouTube channel. ==> Click Here! <==

states of matter
ice melting
water boiling
can condensation
melting point of iron
dry ice gif
ice melting gif
boiling gif