Monday, October 21, 2013

Repellent Chemistry

      Hey guys Ion_Turtle again and today I will talk about some current news. Its still science related and really cool. Its called Repellent Chemistry! It is a new field of science and it is all about repelling water. This can be observed in lotus leaves.

      The lotus leaf repels water by being covered in oil. It also has bumps that push the water away. This also happens on a ducks feathers. They are covered in oil so that the water will come right off and not weigh it down when it tries to fly. It also keeps the duck warm when it is in the water.

      Oil isn't repelled well by anything at all. That is why oil spills are so dangerous. If a ducks feathers have too much oil they will quickly mat making it hard for the bird to keep warm and swim.

Scientists have created a tight wire mesh soaked in liquid retardant chemicals that could be used to prevent stains on clothing or to prevent harmful chemicals from coming in contact with the wearers skin.

By coating a wire mesh (left) with water-repelling polymers (close-up, right), researchers can create surfaces that can shed liquids that stain clothes (such as coffee or ketchup) or pose safety concerns (such as strong acids or blood). Credit: Pan et al., Journal of the American Chemical Society (2012)
A-Wire Mesh                                     C-Liquid Retardant Chemicals

      Michigan scientists have created a spray that sprays little fibers on any solid substance. The fibers don't pack together very tightly making tons of air bubbles. This repels other substances making them slide off. There is a product called neverwet. Here is a gif of it in use:

      Researchers at MIT have used this information to make a coating for class that keeps it from fogging.
Researchers at MIT have designed a coating that prevents a cold piece of glass from fogging up when met with warm, humid air. The technology could help designers of everything from automobile windshields to camera lenses. Credit: Courtesy of the Rubner and Cohen Groups, MIT

      Some researchers are working on putting this technology on ships. This will help with making them go faster because ships have a lot of friction when traveling through water and this will greatly reduce that friction making it need to use a lot less power to get somewhere.

      I think this would be extremely useful. I can see tons of uses for the neverwet spray in everyday things from keeping clothes dry to keeping shoes from getting muddy. The glass coating is even more useful. It will help drivers see in the rain and even might make windshield wipers obsolete.

      I hope you enjoyed learning about repellent chemistry. Comment what you thought of the post and don't forget to check out my YouTube channel (couldn't get a link sorry but I have it on earlier post and I will have it on the next)

All pictures and Information
neverwet gif